Rules of Language & Aids.

Ejusdem Generis is a rule of language which simply means "words of the same kind".
Powell v Kempton Park Racecourse: Illegal to use a house/office/room for betting. The enclosure was outside, so the rule did not apply.
1 of 5
Expressio Unios simply means "one excludes the other".
R v Inhabitants of Sedgely: Statute raised taxes on land/houses/coalmines. Limestone mines did not apply as they were not listed in the statute.
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Noscitur a Sociis means that words must be looked at within the context they are given.
Bell v Pengelly Punch: The floor was used for storage (in the corner of the room). A floor used exclusively for storage did not apply.
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Intrinsic aids are aids within the statute that can help interpret the meaning of the words within the statute.
Long and short titles, the preamble of the statute and the interpretation section (Interpretation Act) are all examples of Intrinsic aids.
4 of 5
Extrinsic aids are aids outside of the statute which can help with the interpretation of the words within the statute.
Dictionaries, law reports and Hansard are all examples that can be used for extrinsic aids.
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Card 2


R v Inhabitants of Sedgely: Statute raised taxes on land/houses/coalmines. Limestone mines did not apply as they were not listed in the statute.


Expressio Unios simply means "one excludes the other".

Card 3


Bell v Pengelly Punch: The floor was used for storage (in the corner of the room). A floor used exclusively for storage did not apply.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Long and short titles, the preamble of the statute and the interpretation section (Interpretation Act) are all examples of Intrinsic aids.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Dictionaries, law reports and Hansard are all examples that can be used for extrinsic aids.


Preview of the back of card 5


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