Homeostasis is the maintenence of a constant internal environment, controlled by hormones and the nervous system. They regulate body temperature, water and carbon dioxide levels in the body.
1 of 6
What are some effects of very high and very low body temperatures?
If it is too high, sweating increases, so dehydration, heat stroke and death can occur. If body temp. is too low then hypothermia, unconsciousness and death occur.
2 of 6
What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?
The hormone insulin regulates the blood sugar levels; type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas fails to produce insulin so diabetics must inject insulin. Type 2 is caused unhealthy diets as the cells that should respond to insulin become desensitised.
3 of 6
What is negative feedback?
Negative feedback is the body's automatic reversal of a change in conditions - it occurs frequently in homeostasis. E.g. if the body temp. is too low, the brain switches on mechanisms to raise it and heat the body down.
4 of 6
What is vasodilation and vasoconstriction?
Vasodilation is the widening of the blood vessels to increase heat loss - heat from the blood vessel radiates away, cooling the body. Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of the blood vessels to reduce heat loss, retaining heat in the body.
5 of 6
What are hormones and where and how do they travel?
Hormones are chemical messages, released by glands, that travel in the blood stream to target organs. For instance the adrenal gland produces adrenaline.
6 of 6
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Card 2
What are some effects of very high and very low body temperatures?
If it is too high, sweating increases, so dehydration, heat stroke and death can occur. If body temp. is too low then hypothermia, unconsciousness and death occur.
Card 3
What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?
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