Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination key terms

  • Created by: jaaaz_v
  • Created on: 10-04-15 16:31
What is a stereotype?
A stereotype is an oversimplified, generalized set of ideas that we have about others. For example, the stereotype that headteachers are intimidating, scary, and male.
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What is prejudice?
A set of attitudes or beliefs towards particular groups of people. These attitudes tend to be negative, but sometimes aren't.
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What is discrimination?
Discrimination is the way an individual acts towards another person or group as a result of their prejudice views. For example, paying a woman less than a man doing the same job.
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What is the authoritarian personality?
Its a personality type that's prone to being prejudiced. Adorno tested this in 1950.
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What is the F-Scale and who created it?
Adorno created the F-scale. Its a questionnaire that measures personality characteristics.
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What is an "in-group" and "out-group"?
Our in-group is a group of people we believe that we have something in common with. An out group is a group of people that we believe we have nothing in common with.
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What is a practical implication?
A suggestion about behavior in the real world, based on the findings of a study.
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Card 2


What is prejudice?


A set of attitudes or beliefs towards particular groups of people. These attitudes tend to be negative, but sometimes aren't.

Card 3


What is discrimination?


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Card 4


What is the authoritarian personality?


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Card 5


What is the F-Scale and who created it?


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