Stil Life at the Penguin Cafe Quiz a quiz on facts about "Stil Life" at the Penguin Cafe 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? OtherGCSEAll boards Created by: asdfghjklCreated on: 27-05-12 15:16 Who choreographed Still Life at the Penguin Cafe? David Bintley 1 of 10 What stage is used? Proscenium arch 2 of 10 When was the premier? March 1988 3 of 10 Who was the composer? Simon Jeffes 4 of 10 Who was the costume and set designer? Hayden Griffin 5 of 10 Who was the lighting designer? John B. Read 6 of 10 How many sections are there? 8 7 of 10 How many soloists are in the dance? 9 8 of 10 The three stimuli for the dance are doomsday book for animals, penguin cafe orchestra album cover and the penguin cafe and the music of the penguin cafe orchestra? True 9 of 10 What is the name of the Monkey section? The Brazillian Woy Monkey 10 of 10
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