stress- 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PsychologystressUniversityWJEC Created by: Chloe minallCreated on: 23-10-16 19:34 stress can be real, however it can also be what? perceived 1 of 9 definition of pressure is the sum of all the demands upon you 2 of 9 who came up with the performance pressure curve Yerkes Dodson 3 of 9 who came up with the locus of control rotter and levenson 4 of 9 who came up with the life-stress inventory holmes-rahe 5 of 9 who came up with the general adaptation syndrome... G.A.S? Selye 6 of 9 name the third stage of G.A.S -Fight or flight Exhaustion 7 of 9 psychological process and the immune system psychoneuroimmunology 8 of 9 what type of behaviour is most likely to develop a cardiovascular problem type a 9 of 9
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