Eustress is the positive type of stress that can be beneficial for the performer. This can be Psychological and also physical factors.
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What is Distress?
Distress is the negative type of stress and can be harmful to an athletes performance. This can be caused by many different factors whether it be physical or psychological.
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What are the main causes of Internal stress?
Internal factors-Thoughts, feelings, Pressure and Worry
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What are the main causes of External stress?
External Factors- Major life changes, Work or school, major events, Relationship difficulties and family.
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What are 3 ways of dealing with stress?
Self talk, Imagery and Breathing techniques (deep breaths)
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What is meant by the term 'Stressors'?
Stressors are internal and external factors that can cause stress.
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Card 2
What is Eustress?
Eustress is the positive type of stress that can be beneficial for the performer. This can be Psychological and also physical factors.
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