Structure of the tropical rainforest 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyEcosystemsGCSEEdexcel Created by: chriscorbinCreated on: 04-03-17 11:32 What is the climate like in a tropical rainforest Hot and wet 1 of 9 Where are tropical rainforests found Tropical rainforests are found along the equator 2 of 9 In what continents are they found Oceania, Asia, Africa and South America 3 of 9 In what countries are they found Brazil, Congo, Peru and Indonesia 4 of 9 What are the tallest trees in the rainforest called Emergents 5 of 9 How high can emergents grow 50 meters 6 of 9 Why is the soil not fertile Heavy rain washes nutrients away 7 of 9 What do tall trees have to support their trunks Buttress Roots 8 of 9 What percentage of animals on Earth lives in tropical rainforests 50% 9 of 9
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