Approaches to Global Politics

Treaty of Westphilia 1648
Series of peace treaties which resulted in the creation of Westphilian sovereignty or principle.
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Approach that says the state is the key actor in the domestic realm and on the world stage.
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State System
A pattern of relationships between and amongst states that establishes a measure of order.
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The principle of supreme authority reflected in the claim by the state to be the creator of laws in its territory.
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Internal Sovereignty
Refers to the location of supreme power within a state
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External Sovereignty
Refers to the capacity of the state to act independantly on the world stage.
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The absence of a central government or higher authority but not necessarily unstable
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People are naturally selfish so war is inevitable and there is no authority higher than the state
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Power politics
The assumption that the pursuit of power is the principle human goal
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Balance of Power
No state dominates oover others, limiting the power ambitions of all states
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Security Dilemma
Actions taken by one state to improve their security are interpreted as aggressive by others. Dilemma of interpretation and response.
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Optimistic, humans are governed by reason which conteracts rivalry (war is a last resort)
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An approach that stresses the importance of moral values rather than the pursuit of national interest
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Principles concering the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour
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Transition to liberal democracy, sown in the granting of freedoms and rights
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Democratic peace thesis
Suggests that democracy and peace linked, wars don't occur between democratic states (believed by liberals)
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Collective security
States protecting one another. Aggression resisted by united action
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Rule of Law
Law establishes a framework of behaviour
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National self-determination
Combination of national independance and democratic rule
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'Zones of Peace'
Military conflict is highly unlikely in these zones. E.g: Europe
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World system theory
Suggests there is a world economic system in which some countries benefit while others are exploited - Immanuel Wallerstein
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Dependance theory
Highlights structural imbalances within international capitalism (Neo-Marxist)
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The domination of one state that possesses structural power (economic and military)
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Economic globalisation
The process where all national economies have been absorbed into an interlocking global economy
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Cultural globalisation
The process where information and images lesson cultural difference between nations (freedom of information)
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Political gobalisation
Refers to the growing importance of international organisations
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Complex interdependance
Economic and other issues have become more prominant in world affairs and military force is becoming less reliable
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The view that globalised economic and cultural patterns became enevitable once technology was widely available
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The economy works best when left alone by government, free market economics.
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Transnational companies
A company that has economic activity in two or more states
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Global Markets
Buying or selling goods and services in all states
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Post-Sovereign states
Suggests that the rise of globalisation is marked by the decline of the state as a meaningful actor
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Time/Space compression
The idea that time and space are no longer significant barriers to communications and interaction
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Cultural Homogeneity
Refers to the reduction in cultural diversity through the popular use of cultural symbols (ideas and values)
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Global village
The world concidered as a single community linked by telecommunications
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The process where global marketing practices associated with the fast food industry have come to dominate more economic sectors (Ritzer 1993)
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Either or both the politico-economic dominance of the USA, or the spread of American cultural values to other parts of the world
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People who follow or promote theories of a transformational nature
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Crisis of Capitalism
The process of the collapse of global capitalism, allowing for the rise of socialism and communism
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Other cards in this set

Card 2




Approach that says the state is the key actor in the domestic realm and on the world stage.

Card 3


State System


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Internal Sovereignty


Preview of the front of card 5
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