James is born in 1566 in Scotland. His mother was the famous Mary Stuart, but who was his father?
Lord Darnley
1 of 10
When did James I become King of Scotland?
2 of 10
When did James I become King of England?
3 of 10
In 1598, before he left Scotland, James wrote a book in which he compared Kings to Gods. What is the title of this book? (It's also known as 'The Kingly Gift')
Basilicon Doron
4 of 10
At the beginning of James' reign, Sir Robert Cecil was his chief minister. James, satisfied by Cecil's work, made him an Earl of where?
5 of 10
Who was James' first favourite who married Frances Howard, the daughter of the Earl of Suffolk?
Robert Carr
6 of 10
George Villiers was the most famous of James' favourites. Under which name do we know him better?
7 of 10
Where did James hold a conference on religion in 1604?
Hampton Court
8 of 10
Towards the end of his reign, James' Lord Chancellor was deprived of all his offices for taking bribes. Who was this notorious man?
Francis Bacon
9 of 10
When did James I die?
27th March 1625
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
When did James I become King of Scotland?
Card 3
When did James I become King of England?
Card 4
In 1598, before he left Scotland, James wrote a book in which he compared Kings to Gods. What is the title of this book? (It's also known as 'The Kingly Gift')
Card 5
At the beginning of James' reign, Sir Robert Cecil was his chief minister. James, satisfied by Cecil's work, made him an Earl of where?
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