Styles of music 0.0 / 5 ? MusicstyllesGCSENone Created by: phoebereynoldsCreated on: 17-04-14 11:30 Cerdd dant welsh tradition 1 of 16 Art song piece for solo voice and piano.composed and notated 2 of 16 Folk music played by ordinary people.not usually written down- passed on aurally 3 of 16 Ballad a song that tells the story 4 of 16 Techno fast electronic club music 5 of 16 Trance very repetitive club dance style 6 of 16 Rap spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics 7 of 16 Disco usually 4/4 time-uses loads of technology 8 of 16 Reggae Liad back feel.Emphasis on off beat strong bass line 9 of 16 Fusion Two styles blended. e.g classical and rock 10 of 16 Ragtime Syncopated melodies.oom cha cha 11 of 16 Blues call and response.swung rhythms. 12 bar blues -syncopated rhythms-swung rhythms 12 of 16 Swing type of jazz. could be danced to 13 of 16 Musical music theatre. play set to words-contains singing and dancing 14 of 16 Oratorio biblical story set to music 15 of 16 Opera Story set to music and sung 16 of 16
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