
  • Created by: brodda221
  • Created on: 08-12-23 11:51
product context
done by Bradford Young
the first African American
cinematographer to be nominated for an award
in 2017 for his work on the film Arrival
channel 4
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advertising conventions
designed to raise awareness of issues and event such as the paralympic games
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audio codes
Positive and upbeat track- So You Want
to be a Boxer from Bugsy Malone effectively
communicates the struggles of the disabled
sounds effects likes grunts of driving into water to show the battle of training.
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technical codes
fast-paced montage editing style
close-up shots of expressions and to portray aspects of disability in a non-victim way, emphasising that
this is part of their lives
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technical code example
For example, a range
of shots are used to convey the strength and
determination of the swimmer Ellie Simmonds,
cutting between an establishing shot showing her
alone in the pool, a close-up of her putting on
her swimming goggles, a low angle shot creating
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visual codes
iconography and settings are related to
the athlete and the sport. E.g.: Ellie
Simmonds, putting on her goggles in the pool,
or training in the gym, but these settings are
juxtaposed with domestic scenes of everyday life
as a disabled person
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visual code example
E.g.: Ellie
Simmonds, putting on her goggles in the pool,
or training in the gym, but these settings are
juxtaposed with domestic scenes of everyday life
as a disabled person
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what is the main narrative of this advert
The narrative follows the lives of the
Paralympians and their battles through training.
for example. The sequence where the athlete is trying to sing
‘Happy Birthday’ to his daughter on a mobile
phone whilst training on a bike
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how can Semiotics
– Roland Barthes be applied in culture can be a sign and send a specific message
recognisable codes and conventions because of how fast-paced everything is, e.g., clothing. When the woman is giving birth, she is in a hospital gown
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how can Levi Strauss's binary opposition can be applied to Superhuman
The images of gruelling training
regimes are contrasted with the celebratory
images at the end of the advertisement when
success is achieved.
The on-screen graphic ‘To be a Paralympian
there’s got to be something wrong with you
creates a conceptual binary
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What is this advert trying to represent in terms of social groups
This advertisement
attempts to address the marginalisation of
certain social groups, in this case, those with
disabilities. Its aim reflects the ideology and
the ethos of Channel 4. They also subvert the idea of disability and disabled athlete's in partic
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how is hall's representation theory can be applied to this text
According to Hall, meanings are communicated
through signs. This is very true of the advertising
form, where easily recognisable signs rapidly
communicate meaning to an audience in a short
space of time. For example, expressions of endurance and struggle
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what is the target audience for this advert
The target audience for this advertisement is a
relatively broad demographic, including Channel 4
viewers who largely fall into the 16–34 age bracket, fans of sports, and those who desire to see more
inclusive representations of social groups
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


advertising conventions


designed to raise awareness of issues and event such as the paralympic games

Card 3


audio codes


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


technical codes


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


technical code example


Preview of the front of card 5
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