supports neurones, pathway between A and B
also gives nutrient that neurones need
1 of 12
what are oligodendrocytes ?
an example would be Schwann cells
protects the mylein sheath
2 of 12
what does the microglia do?
immunology, they are in the nervous system(CNS) to make sure no issues eg injury
3 of 12
what are ependymal cells ?
epithelial cell type. secretes cerebral fluid found in the brain
4 of 12
why is cerebral fluid important for brain function
it is produced daily and gives buoyancy to the brain so that it doesn't hit the skull. protects it
5 of 12
what are the 4 lobes of the brain
occipital, temporal, parietal, frontal
6 of 12
what protects the CNS?
Meninges, they enclose the CNS
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what are the 3 layers of the meninges
dura arachnoid and pla
8 of 12
what is the dura
superficial most and strongest usually in contact with bone
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what is the arachnoid
adhered closely to dura, web like in appearance
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what is the pla?
deepest layer, in direct contact with the CNS tissue
11 of 12
what is the BBB (blood brain barrier)
composed of endothelial cells and astrocytes.
prevents free diffusion into the brain of large molecules (>500 daltons MW)
o2 co2 and lipid soluble molecules (hormones) can enter.
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
protects the mylein sheath
what are oligodendrocytes ?
an example would be Schwann cells
Card 3
immunology, they are in the nervous system(CNS) to make sure no issues eg injury
Card 4
epithelial cell type. secretes cerebral fluid found in the brain
Card 5
it is produced daily and gives buoyancy to the brain so that it doesn't hit the skull. protects it
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