theme=human rights, starting point= work of ammesty(people who help you in prison) and christopher bruce saying goodbye to his carreer as a dancer.
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how many sections are there?
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which sections have solo's in them?
sections: (3) first and second motif. (5)no music. (7) prisoner dies.
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explain the group sections?
(1) question and answer. (2)tea for two. (4) slow trio. (6) cane dance.
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what is the guards costumes?
they wear kharki ( bold, prominant,powerful) , hair neatly slicked back(polished look). black jazz shoes.
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what is the prisoners costume?
red t-shirt(anger,blood). blue jeans(like any other normal man) black jazz shoes.
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what is the lighting?
soft edge lighting called a FESNEL. SHIN LEVEL lighting too. darkness at the beginning, dim overall stage. white shaft of light from UPSTAGE LEFT. threatening shadows on the backdrop called a CYCLORAMA.
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what is the set design?
BLACK BOX with minaimal set. centre stage is a wooden chair. guards us DOWNSTAGE RIGHT as an enterance and exit.
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what the the symbolic meaning of the chair?
sheild, prison bars, shackels.
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what is the symbolic meaning of the red nose?
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what is the symbolic meaning of the canes?
weapon or punishment (section 6) guards use them menicingly.
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explain the creation of the music?
all sound originally accoustic and natural. created with collaboration wuth bruce. relationship between music and dance is in DIRECT CORROLATION.
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which sections had a strong rhythm?
section 2 and 6.
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how does swangsong start?
starts in silence. interroagtors tap their feet. prisoner does two stamps (a refusal). the guards do two loud stamps then prisoner is pushed of the chair.
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section 2: TEA FOR TWO.
rhythmic sounds intended to be slightly COMIC as though a MENACING WHISPER. the guards dance MUSIC HALL( ballroom and jazz) a playful sinister undertone. at the end of section 2 there is a crash( A DOOR SLAMMED SHUT the prisoner is left alone.
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section 7:FINAL SOLO.
instrument= REED PIPE represents prisoners internal struggle. accompaniment ecohoes a SAD MELOCONY TONE. long held notes reflect the victims movement tpwards the shaft of light.
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describe the opening moments.
a blurred close up of his face, it slowly focusses. the prisoner looks sharply DOWNSTAGE RIGHT,one guard enters from enterance of cell. (SILENCE).
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describe the final ending moments.
MIXES ALL MOTIFS TOGETHER. in a shaft of light, prisoner turns to face it and dances. ends facing the shaft of light in parralle, he looks back towards guards and exits upstage left (light)
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explain the climaxes
section 5,6,7. uses motifs of wing flying away. in silence. legs fit in slatts of chair and drags it around, looks throught the chair like a window(hope). section 6-prisoner dies. section 7-guards stare down at him the he moves (you know he is dead)
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