SYNTHETIC ROUTES 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryFunctional GroupsASOCR Created by: KanaanAshleyCreated on: 05-01-17 22:45 When you distil and add potassium dichromate or sulfuric acid, an aldehyde is made primary alcohol 1 of 11 When you reflux this, a ketone is made secondary alcohol 2 of 11 When this is refluxed, carboxylic acid is made primary alcohol 3 of 11 If a halogen or UV is added, it makes a haloalkane alkane 4 of 11 H2O gas or H3PO4 catalyst is added alkene to alcohol 5 of 11 concentrated sulfuric acid, H2SO4 is added alcohol to alkene 6 of 11 add a H2 or Ni catalyst to alkene in order to make... alkane 7 of 11 a halogen/UV is added to synthesise alkane to haloalkane 8 of 11 hydrgen halide makes haloalkanes with... alkenes 9 of 11 sodium halide and H2SO4 are added to alcohol to make... haloalkane 10 of 11 add this and to a haloalkane and alcohol is made aqueous NaOH reflux 11 of 11
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