Other questions in this quiz

2. Elision

  • Somebody's speech habits
  • The shortening of words such as 'going to' to 'gonna'
  • Formal language
  • Informal language

3. Turn taking

  • Talking over someone
  • Allowing both or all parties to talk during an exchange
  • Interrupting someone during an exchange
  • Talking all at the same time

4. Colloquial vernacular / language

  • Slang
  • Informal language
  • English language
  • Formal language

5. Phatic talk

  • A word to describe someone who 'babbles' in an exchange
  • A normal exchange between two people
  • Almost pointless talk to fill awkward silences in an exchange such as talking about the weather
  • Not talking in awkward situations




This is a fabby quiz and it helps me a lot :)

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