Because many objects in the universe aren't detectable by visible light so EM telescopes would tell scientists more about the universe.
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What do X-Ray telescopes do?
See high temperature events such as exploding stars.
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What did radio telescopes do?
Help discover cosmic microwave background radiation. Allowing scientists learn more about the origin of the universe.
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Why might BIGGER telescopes be more useful?
They give better resolution (more detail), they can gather more light and improved magnification means that we can see further into the universe.
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Why would it be useful for a telescope to work along side a computer?
They help create a clearer and sharper image. Makes it easy to capture pictures to analyse later. Collect and store huge amounts of data, 24/7. Easier for humans
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Card 2
Why were EM telescopes needed?
Because many objects in the universe aren't detectable by visible light so EM telescopes would tell scientists more about the universe.
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