All children are different and qualities elicit certain care-giving styles.
1 of 21
What is the attachment view?
adaptive to imprint on a care-giver and that early relationships are highly important.
2 of 21
In 1977 what did Thomas and Chess do?
A longitudinal study on 133 white middle class infants.
3 of 21
As a result of Tomas and Chess' research what was established?
The 9 dimension model.
4 of 21
What are the 9 dimensions on the model?
1. Activity level. 2. Regularity. 3. Tend to approach new situations. 4. Adaptability over a longer term. 5. Sensory threshold. 6. Intensity of response. 7. Positive general mood. 8. Dis-tractability. 9. Persistence and attention span.
5 of 21
In 1989 Kagan et all carried out what kind of study on 100 children?
Longitudinal 14 month - 4 years of age.
6 of 21
What were the dependent variables in Kagan et al's research?
1. Heart Rate. 2. Retreat to parent? 3. Time before interacting with novel stimuli. 4. Percentage of time with parent at arms length.
7 of 21
Name 2 of the novel stimuli used within Kagan et al's research
1. Dog Mask. 2. Stranger. 3. Alarm Bell 4. Robot toy.
8 of 21
What was found in Kagan et al's research?
Extreme inhibition and its extreme opposite are consistent behavioural styles.
9 of 21
Who established the EASI temperament theory?
Rowe and Plomin (1977)
10 of 21
What does EASI stand for?
Emotionality, Activity level, Sociability and Impulsivity.
11 of 21
What does Goodness of Fit argue?
More recent temperament researchers don't believe that temperament on its own is that informative and that how well a child's temperament fits in with the temperament and expectations of the carer is more interesting.
12 of 21
What did Churchill (2003) find?
Child-parent and chld-teacher goodness of fit correlated significantly with cognitive and social competence.
13 of 21
In 2006 what did Bird et al find?
Parent-child goodness of fit correlated with some aspects of the interaction when discussing emotional events.
14 of 21
Who can be used as a direct comparison to the work of Kagan?
Judith Rich Harris
15 of 21
What does Judith Rich Harris insit?
That there is virtually no evidence for effects of parenting.
16 of 21
What did Ellis and Boyce establish in 2005?
Dandelion and orchid child temperaments.
17 of 21
Outline the Orchid Child.
Highly sensitive to their environment especially the quality of parenting they encounter.
18 of 21
Outline the Dandelion Child.
Seem to have to capacity to survive/ thrive in any circumstance they encounter.
19 of 21
Are dandelion children psychologically resilient?
20 of 21
If neglected what will hapen to an orchid child?
They will wither but if they are nurtured they not only survive they flourish.
21 of 21
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the attachment view?
adaptive to imprint on a care-giver and that early relationships are highly important.
Card 3
In 1977 what did Thomas and Chess do?
Card 4
As a result of Tomas and Chess' research what was established?
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