Terminology 0.0 / 5 ? English Language & LiteratureTerminologyASAQA Created by: EstheexdCreated on: 10-11-14 18:10 What is an Omniscient narrator? An Omniscient Narrator is An all knowing narrator 1 of 21 What is First/second/third person narrative? First person narrative is I, second person narrative is you, third person narrative is he/she/they 2 of 21 What is a Euphemism? It is a word or phrase to make something sound less rude e.g. ‘making love’ rather than ‘sex’. 3 of 21 What is a Dysphemism? A word or phrase to make something sound more harsh e.g. ‘*******’ rather than ‘sex’ 4 of 21 What is a Lexical field? Words that are grouped to a particular theme. 5 of 21 What is Transactional talk? Language to get things done or to transmit content or information. 6 of 21 What is Referential talk? Language that conveys information. 7 of 21 What is Interactional talk? Language in conversation used often for socialising. 8 of 21 What is Phatic talk? Conversational utterances that have no concrete purpose other than to establish or maintain personal relationships i.e. small talk 9 of 21 What is Expressive talk? Talking that expresses one’s emotions. 10 of 21 What is a Reporting clause? When you tell a story where characters are noted by ‘he said, she said’. 11 of 21 What is a Direct speech? The reporting of speech by repeating the actual words of a speaker, for example “I’m going,” she said. 12 of 21 What is Free direct speech? Speech without reporting clauses. 13 of 21 What is Register? The formality of a text 14 of 21 What is Lexis? The stock of words in a language 15 of 21 What is Hyperbole? Words that exaggerate a particular meaning 16 of 21 What is Elision? The exclusion of a sound or syllable when speaking, often slurred as fishnchips 17 of 21 What is Graphology? The way a text looks 18 of 21 What is Phonology? The way a text sounds 19 of 21 What is Discourse Structure? The way in which language in a story/text is put together. 20 of 21 What are Address Terms? A word, phrase, name, or title (or some combination of these) used in addressing someone. 21 of 21
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