Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

  • Created by: kiane
  • Created on: 26-01-13 16:05
When did the treaty of versailles start?
At the end of WW1
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Which countries where in the central powers?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey
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Which countries where in the allies?
USA, France and GB
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Who were the big three?
Georges Clemenceau, Llyod George and Prof Woodrow Wilson
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What was the nickname of Georges Clemenceau?
the tiger
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What was the nickname of Llyod George?
The welsh wizard
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What percentage did Germany lose of its land?
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What percentage did Germany lose of its colonies?
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What percentage did Germany lose of its population?
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What percentage did Germany lose of its coal fields?
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What percentage did Germany lose of its iron and steel?
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How much did Germany have to pay in reparations?
£6600 million
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What percantage of Germany's GDP were the reparations?
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What does GDP stand for?
Gross Domestic Product
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What happened to Germany's national territory?
Most of it was given to Poland, some went to Belguim and Denmark
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What were the name of the Chinese ports that Germany lost?
Tsingtoa and Amoy
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What were the names of the African colonies that Germany lost?
Tanganika and German SW Africa
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What happened to Alsace Lorraine?
It was originally French, but kept being swapped back and forth durning the war between France and Germany.
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Whaat nationality was Alsace Lorraine after the war?
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What is no Anschluss?
It means no political union between Germany and Austria
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Why is no Anschluss important?
It spilts Austrai and Hungary into two seperate countries
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What were the terms of the treaty?
1. Clause 231 2. Reparations 3. No Anschluss 4. Germany lost armed forces
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What was clause 231?
The war guilt clause. Germany are responsible for starting the war
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What happened to Germany's armed forces?
100,00 volunteers-no conscription, no armoured vehicles, tanks, aeroplanes or u-boats 6 battleships or equal tonnage and the Rhineland is a DMZ
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What does DMZ mean?
Demiliterised Zone
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What did Georges Clemenceau want from the TofV?
Revenge. He wanted to ***** Germany of it's wealth and armed sources
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What did Llyod George want from the TofV?
Germany should be made table so that GB and Germany could trade and so that there was no communism
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What did Prof Wilson want from the TofV?
Peace. League of nations. No revenge
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How long did it take to determined the TofV?
Over 3 months
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What happened to the German coal fields in Saar?
They were given to France for 15 years
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Card 2


Which countries where in the central powers?


Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey

Card 3


Which countries where in the allies?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who were the big three?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the nickname of Georges Clemenceau?


Preview of the front of card 5
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