German - Test 1 connectives 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: ChattyPiano98Created on: 09-09-13 22:26 nicht not 1 of 42 noch still 2 of 42 nur only 3 of 42 kein no / none 4 of 42 schon already 5 of 42 immer always 6 of 42 wenig a bit / little 7 of 42 nun now 8 of 42 jetzt now 9 of 42 nichts nothing 10 of 42 ohne without 11 of 42 beide both 12 of 42 vielleicht perhaps / maybe 13 of 42 gar (nicht) not at all 14 of 42 nie never 15 of 42 fast almost / nearly 16 of 42 kaum hardly 17 of 42 ob whether 18 of 42 trotz despite 19 of 42 trotzdem nevertheless 20 of 42 gern + verb like 21 of 42 sonst otherwise 22 of 42 früher earlier 23 of 42 manchmal sometimes 24 of 42 niemand nobody 25 of 42 jemand somebody 26 of 42 ziemlich rather / quite 27 of 42 jeder everyone 28 of 42 sofort immediately 29 of 42 bald soon 30 of 42 vorher previously 31 of 42 leider unfortunately 32 of 42 mindestens at least 33 of 42 wenigstens at least 34 of 42 selten rarely 35 of 42 außer except 36 of 42 lieber rather / prefer 37 of 42 täglich daily 38 of 42 zunächst first 39 of 42 zurück back 40 of 42 wegen because 41 of 42 außerdem moreover / addition 42 of 42
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