Textiles Key Words
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- Created by: Hannah Moat
- Created on: 17-02-17 14:30
The wearing away of a textiles product by rubbing.
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Abrasion Test
A simulated test which tests the performance of a textiles product for a particular end use.
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The ability of a product to take in water/liquid.
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Man made natural polymer cellulose based fibre.
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Acid Dye
A dye that can be used on protien fibres and some synthetic fibres.
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A man made synthetic polymer fibre.
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An antibacterial acrylic fibre used for clothing.
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Batch Dyeing
The dyeing of textiles products, all together at one stage of a process at a time.
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Batik (Dyeing or Printing)
A method of dyeing using a wooden block, or a paint brust, which is used to add resistant to areas of the fabric using wax, gum, or starch resist.
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Blended Fibres
Two or more fibres mixed together into a single yarn.
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Block Printing
A method used to describe the printing of a design onto fabric by using a wooden bock.
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Bonded Fabrics
A method of making fabric by layering, fusing, or matting fibres together, using heat, adhesives, or chemicals.
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Boucle Yarn
Plain weave using piled or uneven yarns with a looped surface, giving a roungh appearence to the fabric.
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British Standards Institution (BSI)
Professional orginisation which sets the standards for industry and decides what tests needs to be applied to different products.
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A method of producing a fabric where the fibres are brushed and teased, producing a furry surface on the fabric.
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Computer Aided Design - Using the computer as a tool to crete designs.
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A finishing process, used on fabrics to add smoothness and lustre. It is done by passing the fabric between rollers until it is flat and smooth.
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Calvary Twist
A firm warp faced twill fabric.
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Computer Aided Manufacture - The use of the computer to aid the manufacturing process.
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Care Labels
Used on garments and products to show the fibre content, place of origin and after care for washing etc.
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A synthetic fibre with a high recovery and extension.
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Thw ability of a fabric to return to its origional shape and size afterit has being stretched.
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Yarns and fibres conbined together into a long length.
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A product used to hold component parts of a garment together.
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A fine, hair like structure which can be natural, synthetic or regenerated. it can also be filament or staple.
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A special process applied to a yarn or fabric during production to enhance its qualities.
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Flame Resistant
A property or finish on the fibre which gives it the ability to become resistant to fire or flames. for example, it is used in fire fighters jackets.
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Knitted Fabric
A stretchy fabric constructed by interlacing loops of a yarn.
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A method of constructing a fabric, this can be done by hand or machine.
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The process of bonding layers of fabric together.
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Used to describe how the pattern peices will be laid out on the fabric, for example, which way on the grain line etc.
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The term used to describe the intensity with which the light shines on the pieces of fabric.
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A man made regenerated fibre that is produced by extruding cellulose through a spinnerette that has been dissolved in a recyclable solvent.
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Manufacturing Specification
The specific details and instructions needed to make a product.
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The treatment where the fibres are swollen so that the handle of the fibre is modified.
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Micro Fibres
Extreemly thin, hair like fibres or filaments.
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Mixed Fibres
The mixing of different types of fibres or yarns in a fabric.
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Non Woven
Fabrics made up of layers of fibres which are bonded together by heat or pressure.
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Synthetic fibre, also known as polyamide.
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One-off Production
A product made to a client specification which is unique and will not be replicated.
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Pattern Drafting
A method of making up a pattern from a set of production drawigs.
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Pattern Grading
A method of scaling a pattern from a basic block to create necessary sizes.
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Quality Assurance
Themethod of assuring quality of a product from design through to the manufacture.
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Quality Control
Looks at where faults may arise and sets up control systems to aviod them from happening.
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A process of using a fine comb to raise the surface of the fabric to give it a soft finish.
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Ready to wear fashion which is made on mass.
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S Twists
The direction of the yarn twist when made.
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Smart Fabrics
Fabrics which d more than make you 'look good', for example, they could change colour in sunlight etc.
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A process which makes fibres into yarns.
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A polyamide based fibre.
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A staple filament fibre which is environmentally friendly.
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A sample garment usually made from cotton calico, also known as a prototype.
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Tolerence Level
To work within the limits, for example, a 1.5 seam, the tolerence could be allowed as a 1.4 or a 1.4 seam.
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Twill Weave
A fabric where it has been weave directionally.
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A man made regenerated fibre.
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The vertical threads in a woven fabric.
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A method of constructing fabric by interlacing warp and weft threads.
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The horizontal threads in a woven fabric.
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Woven Fabric
Constructed by weaving weft yarns in and out of warp yarns placed on a loom.
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A length of fibres or filaments with or without a twist.
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Z Twist
The direction of twist added to a yarn during spinning.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A simulated test which tests the performance of a textiles product for a particular end use.
Abrasion Test
Card 3
The ability of a product to take in water/liquid.

Card 4
Man made natural polymer cellulose based fibre.

Card 5
A dye that can be used on protien fibres and some synthetic fibres.

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