Textiles 4.0 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? Design & Technology: TextilesFibresASAQA Created by: AbigailCreated on: 14-11-13 19:02 What are staple fibres? Short in length 1 of 14 What are filament fibres? Long, fine or continuous 2 of 14 All natural fibres are made of...? Staple fibres 3 of 14 What is the exception to natural fibres being staple fibres? Silk is the only natural fibre that is a filament 4 of 14 What makes silk have the special sheen-like appearance? Because the fibre is straighter compared to wool or any other staple 5 of 14 What are some examples of a regenerated fibres? Visocose, acetate, modal 6 of 14 Give some examples of synthetic fibres? Polyester, polyamide, PVC 7 of 14 What are regenerated fibres made from? Cellulose 8 of 14 What are synthetic fibres made from? Pure chemicals 9 of 14 What is the process of making synthetic fibres called? Polymeristation 10 of 14 What is the process of making regenerated fibres? Taken from cellulose, chemicals added to make it a gloopy texture and pushed through a spinneret to make continuous filaments 11 of 14 How are synthetic fibres created? Derived from chemicals, the process involved polymerisation. Extruded through a spinneret to make continuous filaments 12 of 14 What is done to manufactured fibres to create the same affect as natural ones? The fibres are cut short to give same effects 13 of 14 What is an example of this? Acrylic 14 of 14
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