An election victory in which one party wins a huge majority of seats over all other parties in the house of commons, reversing the previous government majority
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How did the Boer war increase liberal votes?
Use of concentration camps and treatment of natives angered the British public. The war exposed huge levels of malnutrition and poverty making many men unfit for war
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How did the 1902 education act increase liberal votes?
Make all schools funded by local rates instead of angelican and catholic churches to satisfy a growing number of nonconformists who didn't want their taxes going to church schools
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How did the 1904 licensing act increase liberal votes?
Aimed to reduce the number of public houses. Annoyed nonconformists when government went to compensate for the cancellation of licenses
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How did the Chinese labour issue increase liberal votes?
Government brought in cheap Chinese labour into crowded camps in South Africa. conservative scandal
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How did the Taff Vale case increase liberal votes?
lords legislation that make full force striking ineffective
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How did neglect of social reform increase liberal votes?
poverty exposed in the Boer war was neglected by conservatives and this was exploited by the Liberals
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How did Tarrif reforms increase liberal votes?
The conservatives wanted to lower taxes on imported goods from the empire (imperial preference) Liberals were for free trade
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How did the conservative leadership increase liberal votes?
Balfour lacked political skill and was not sensitive to public opinion
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How did the Lib-Lab pact increase liberal votes?
Teamed up to make sure the conservatives didn't win constituencies
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