the battle of Actium

  • Created by: emilk124
  • Created on: 16-05-17 11:09
Denarius of 29-27 BC
obverse: Goddess Nike prosenting the Corona Civilus on the rostra. reverse: quadrigga with Augustus, triumph, IMP. Caesar
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Denarius of 27 BC
reverse: 'Egypt capture', croc
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'In sevice to a women, Roman soldiery Bears stake and weapons, and can bring itself to yield obedience'
Horace, Epode 9: cleo not openly named, roman soldiers have been control by cleo not tony
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'foul and curtained tent'
Horace, Epodes 9: mosquito net, east weak not strong roman
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'that queen was plotting demented ruin for the Capitol'
Horace, odes 1,37: cleo planning to take over Rome
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'herself without restraint in hoping for what she fancied and drunk'
Horace, odes 1.37: Aug ha restraint but cleo doesnt as she is eastern
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'she did not in women's fashion tremble at the sword'
Horace, odes 1.37: poet being independent, respect for cleo's death
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'she dared to gaze with face serene on her fallen palace, and bravely grasped savage serpents'
Horace, odes 1.37: cleo embraces death calmly and poet is praising her death and how she did it
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'the women who brandished Roman spears'
Propertius, 4.6: Temple of Apollo at Actium, cleo taking over roman solidery
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'Jove's omens on its side'
Propertius, 4.6: Temple of Apollo at Actium, Jupiter was on Aug's side
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'Saviour of the world, Augustus'
Propertius 4.6: Temle of Apollo at Actium, will save Rome and bring it the gold age
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'you ara its champion on you it depends.... mighty burden of its people's prayers'
Propertius 4.6: Temple of Apollo at Actium, Augustus was the saver of Rome and the people will be happy with him as he is their to help them
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Denarius of 18-17 BC
reverse: Arch of Augustus with quadrigga on top
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Arch of Augustus
in the Forum, Triumple arch and it is a reminder to the Roman people
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Card 2


reverse: 'Egypt capture', croc


Denarius of 27 BC

Card 3


Horace, Epode 9: cleo not openly named, roman soldiers have been control by cleo not tony


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Horace, Epodes 9: mosquito net, east weak not strong roman


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Card 5


Horace, odes 1,37: cleo planning to take over Rome


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