Behaviour results from the individuals interaction with the environment. It is learned through stimulus (anything) and responses (behaviour).
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Stimulus and response.
Behave (respond) according to the environment around us (stimuli). Evolved following dissatisfaction with concept of introspection.
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Reflecting on content of mind (consciousness)- reporting feelings, sensations and thoughts.
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Watson, Skinner- developed the science of psychology by using observable/measurable data. Behaviour always has a stimulus and response and they study the relationship between the two.
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Behavioural Persepective cont.
Psychological development is not the result of developmental stages suggested by Freud. Children are the same as adults except they have a smaller repertoire of behaviours.
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Behaviour types.
Behaviour can be adaptive (desirable) or maladaptive (undesirable). Hpwever it is entirely dependent on the environment and situation.
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Learned behaviour.
Behaviour can be learned in one of two ways. Learning through assosiation and learning through favourable consequences.
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Explination for behaviour.
Behaviour is the result of learned responses to stimuli presented in the environment. The key processes are learning by association and learning by favourable consequences.
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Card 2
Stimulus and response.
Behave (respond) according to the environment around us (stimuli). Evolved following dissatisfaction with concept of introspection.
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