The Brain Stem: Sleep, Circadian Rhythms , Homeostasis ( Part 3) 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyHomeostasisUniversityNone Created by: AnjelalaCreated on: 15-12-17 05:16 What is the push and pull system? System involving two effectors with opposing effects 1 of 5 Define Poikilothermic? Poikilothermic is when the body temperature is the same as the environmental temperature 2 of 5 Define Homeothermic ? Homeothermic means when the physiological mechanism maintains almost constant body temperature 3 of 5 What is the control centre of for temperature regulation in animals ? -Pre optic Hypothalamus , damage to this area results in impairment of animal's ability to regulate temp 4 of 5 State the three Animal temperature control effects : -Shivering -Body hair -Blood vessels 5 of 5
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