The Crucible-Key Quotes and Characters 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureThe CrucibleGCSEAQA Created by: snickersbarCreated on: 10-04-16 17:11 Where is Tituba, Parris' slave, from? Barbados 1 of 6 Who says that their wife is the 'brick and mortar of the church'? Francis Nurse 2 of 6 What does Abigail encourage the girls to see in the courtroom in Act 3? A yellow bird 3 of 6 What are Giles Corey's last words? 'More weights' 4 of 6 What does Proctor say the court is doing, while pulling down heaven, at the end of Act 3? Raising up a whore 5 of 6 Which hisorical event is the story in The Crucible a parallel to? McCarthyism 6 of 6