How did Charles' personal qualities affect his exercise of royal power?
His lack of confidence was a problem. His response to opposition was to take refuge in the appearance of certainty and to view those who disagreed as motivated by malice.
1 of 8
Why did relations between King and Parliament deteriorate so quickly?
The brief alliance of Charles, Buckingham and the House of Commons collapsed with a refusal by MPs to vote the new King Tunnage and Poundage for more than one year.
2 of 8
How did tensions develop into a parliamentary crisis?
As complaints about Buckingham mounted, Charles recognised that he would obtain no money from Parliament without sacrificing his friend but, on this, he would make no concession.
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Why did religious fears increase after the death of James I?
The caution and tact used by James in making changes to the Church had resulted in years of relative harmony over its organisation and the role of bishops.
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What did the dissolution of Parliament in 1629 mean for Charles and for those who opposed his plans?
The dissolution of Parliament in 1629 initiated a period in which Charles governed without reference to Parliament.
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How was England governed in the early years of the Personal Rule?
The centre of administration was the Privy Council, which included key officials and the King's chosen advisers.
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What problems arose from the need to finance the government without parliamentary subsidies?
The King's ability to govern without Parliament depended on securing an adequate income from his 'ordinary' revenue.
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Why did religious conflicts intensify during the Personal Rule?
The Laudian reforms - In 1633 Laud became Archbishop of Cantebury and issued new instructions, which the bishops were to enforce in each diocese. Unfortunately, Laud's instructions were interpreted in very different ways by many of the ministers.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why did relations between King and Parliament deteriorate so quickly?
The brief alliance of Charles, Buckingham and the House of Commons collapsed with a refusal by MPs to vote the new King Tunnage and Poundage for more than one year.
Card 3
How did tensions develop into a parliamentary crisis?
Card 4
Why did religious fears increase after the death of James I?
Card 5
What did the dissolution of Parliament in 1629 mean for Charles and for those who opposed his plans?
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