the earths build

  • Created by: Hash_H1
  • Created on: 08-10-15 17:33
The earth is made up of 7 different layers these are called the OUTER CORE(which is liquid, made out of iron and nickel and is 4000-5000 degrees),INNER CORE(which is solid, made out of iron and nickel and is 4000-1600 degrees (which creates the magne
There are two types of crust the oceanic crust and the contenental crust. The continental crust is thicker than the oceanic crust but it is lighter this is because it is made out of garnite were as the oceanic crust is made of basalt which is alot he
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Heat from inside the earth is called GEO THERMAL (the earths heat). The heat is produced by RADIOACTIVE DECAY of elments such as uranium and thorium. This raises the core temperature to over 5000˚Ϲ.
PLUMES are the parts of convection where the heat moves towards the surface. As heat rises from the core it creats CONVECTION CURENTS.
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Composite volcanoes
Composite volcanoes are made uop of ANDESITE lava or magma which rolls down the side if the volcanoe very slowly this is because it is very thick and viscous, also the lava is 400oc. The volcano erupt hot rock, lava and ash.
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Adesitic magma is formed at destructive plate margins where mot osf the composite volcanoes are found, it gets its name from the andes moutains.
Sheild volcanoes
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Sheild volcanoes are very wide and they are low whit gentle sloping sides, this is because of the type of lava which is basaltic and is very runny so it runs down the slope very fast this means that it has a very wide structure.
Basaltic lava is mainly found at constructive plate margins which is where you mainly find sheild volcanos. This type of magma forms fluid lava with low silica and low explosive activity
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


PLUMES are the parts of convection where the heat moves towards the surface. As heat rises from the core it creats CONVECTION CURENTS.


Heat from inside the earth is called GEO THERMAL (the earths heat). The heat is produced by RADIOACTIVE DECAY of elments such as uranium and thorium. This raises the core temperature to over 5000˚Ϲ.

Card 3


Composite volcanoes are made uop of ANDESITE lava or magma which rolls down the side if the volcanoe very slowly this is because it is very thick and viscous, also the lava is 400oc. The volcano erupt hot rock, lava and ash.


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Card 4


Sheild volcanoes


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Card 5


Basaltic lava is mainly found at constructive plate margins which is where you mainly find sheild volcanos. This type of magma forms fluid lava with low silica and low explosive activity


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