It gave minimum rights to blacks, Johnson vetoed the bill. However in the first time in history Congress overturned the presidential veto.
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What was the Fourteenth Amendment?
It stated that people who were born in the USA or who were naturalised were US citizens and all citizens were guaranteed equality before the law.
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Why did the Fourteenth Amendment fail?
It was rejected by ex-confederate states except Tennessee and failed to get the 75 per cent necessary to become a law.
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What were the Black Codes?
They were laws that meant African Americans deemed to be unemployed could be forced to work for white employers. In addition they could be prevented from getting an education.
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What was sharecropping?
Landowners divided their land and gave each head of household a few acres and it gave African American farmers the freedom from day-to day supervision.
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Explain the Jim Crow Laws?
It was a series of state and local laws which came into affect when the 14th and 15th amendment made the black codes unconstitutional and technically segregated blacks and promoted white supremacy.
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Card 2
What was the Fourteenth Amendment?
It stated that people who were born in the USA or who were naturalised were US citizens and all citizens were guaranteed equality before the law.
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