The endocrine system 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyEndcrinologyUniversityAll boards Created by: HannahCavielCreated on: 08-05-18 20:20 What do hormones cause a cell to do? produce a protein that effects some part of the body 1 of 38 what part of the target cell binds to a hormone? receptor 2 of 38 what gland is considered 'the master gland' pituitary 3 of 38 what two lobes make up the pituitary gland? anterior and posterior 4 of 38 what hormone is released in response to labour and lactation? oxytocin 5 of 38 which hormones are released during the menstrual cycle? Leutinising hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone 6 of 38 what cells produce the leutinising hormone? gonadotrophic 7 of 38 what hormone is released in response to low calcium levels? parathyroid hormone 8 of 38 what is thyroxine converted into when it reaches the body's organs? triiodothyronine 9 of 38 which hormone is released to assist the brain with appetite? leptin 10 of 38 where is thyroxine produced? thyroid gland 11 of 38 where is aldosterone produced? adrenal glands 12 of 38 where is thyroid-stimulating hormone produced? pituitary gland 13 of 38 where is anti-diuretic hormone produced? hypothalamus 14 of 38 which hormone causes the kidneys to retain water? anti-diuretic hormone 15 of 38 what hormone helps maintain salt levels within the body? aldosterone 16 of 38 what system does the endocrine system work alongside with? nervous 17 of 38 which hormone response is reactant to changes in blood levels such as glucose and calcium? humoral 18 of 38 which hormonal response is reactant to increased stress neural 19 of 38 which hormonal response is controlled by other hormones hormonal 20 of 38 which gland controls the other: hypothalamus and pituitary gland hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland 21 of 38 what hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex to prepare for fight or flight? adrenocorticotropic hormone 22 of 38 what hormone promotes the maturity of female sex organs? oestrogen 23 of 38 what hormone is required for male sperm production? testosterone 24 of 38 what is the scientific name for adrenaline? epinephrine 25 of 38 what two systems are involved in the fight or flight response? nervous and endocrine 26 of 38 what is an example of a mineralocorticoid? aldosterone 27 of 38 where are mineralocorticoids located? adrenal cortex 28 of 38 what hormones are released in response to increased levels of acth? cortisol and cortisone 29 of 38 what cells form the endocrine part of the pancreas? Islets of Langerhans 30 of 38 which cells secrete insulin? beta 31 of 38 what cells release the hormone glucagon? alpha 32 of 38 which hormone increases blood glucose levels? glucagon 33 of 38 which hormone decreases blood glucose levels? insulin 34 of 38 what is the medical name for blood sugar that is too low? hypoglaecemia 35 of 38 what is an example of a long term stress response ? suppression of immune system 36 of 38 how many glands are situated on the parathyroid? 4 37 of 38 what does tropic hormone mean? hormones that influnce activity of endocrine glands 38 of 38
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