The English civil war

When did Charles I become King?
1625, following death of King James I
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What was Charles' wife called?
Henrietta Maria
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What was the concern regarding Charles’ marriage to her?
She was a French princess and also a catholic. Many people believed she may influence Charles to make England a Catholic country again
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What was the divine right of kings?
The belief that the king had been chosen by God and did not need any assistance to rule the country
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What happened to do with the Duke of Buckingham, one of Charles’ closest advisors?
He led a failed battle against the Spanish at Cadiz, Charles refused to criticise him even though they had lost a lot of money and soldiers, this angered parliament
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when did Charles dissolve parliament and for how long?
1629, for 11 years
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why did Charles raise ship money?
without parliament, he wasn't allowed to raise taxes so had to raise ship money
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why was Archbishop Laud unpopular?
he brought some catholic ideas into church, like having stone alters and this made people further suspicious of Charles being a catholic
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when did Charles make him archbishop?
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when did Charles introduce a new Scottish prayer book?
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why was this unpopular?
Scottish puritans believed churches needed to be striped of catholic anything and people rioted when the clergy used the prayer book in services
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when did the Scots invade England?
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why did Charles re call parliament?
he needed money to fight the Scots
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what did they command he did in order to get the money?
he had to bring Archbishop Laud and the Earl of Strafford and agree to meet them at least every 3 years
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what did the earl of strafford do
he had been lord deputy in Ireland and done some dodgy stuff and he was accused of that. eg bringing an Irish army to fight the kings opponents
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what was the grand remonstrance?
a list of demands for Charles to make further reforms
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what were the reactions to this
Charles refused and even some MPs thought it went too far
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what happened in January 1642
Charles tried to arrest 5 MPs but they escaped
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when did Charles declare war on parliament
august 1642
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was Charles' wife called?


Henrietta Maria

Card 3


What was the concern regarding Charles’ marriage to her?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the divine right of kings?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happened to do with the Duke of Buckingham, one of Charles’ closest advisors?


Preview of the front of card 5
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