Who was the Republican candidate in the 1876 election?
Rutherford B. Hayes
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Who was the Democrat candidate in the 1876 election?
Samuel Tilden
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Who won the overall popular vote?
Tilden (narrowly)
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How did the Republicans manage to declare Hayes the winner?
They still had political power in the three states that would have gained Tilden the win
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What were the 3 states in dispute?
South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana
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What action did Congress take in the confusion over won won the electoral vote?
Convened a electoral commission
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Who made up the commission?
7 Republicans, 7 Democrats and 1 independent (later replaced by a Republican)
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Who did the commission award the presidency to?
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What did Hayes negotiate with the Democrats in the compromise of 1877?
To remove all federal troops from the southern states, to provide federal aid and to back railroads and public works in the south
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What was the purpose of the compromise of 1877?
Resolve political issue and allow the presidential government to function
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What did the Democrats stand for?
State rights, white supremacy in the south, a limited role for federal government and low tariffs
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What did the Republicans stand for?
Big businesses, high protective tariffs and values of native born Americans from outside the south
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Why was Hayes presidency weak?
Narrow win, promise not to seek reelection and strong oppostition
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What happened to the three states?
Became known as the 'Solid South'-Democrats moved in quickly to gain control
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What was the impact of the Democratic hold on the south?
Enabled 'Redeemers' to dismantle much reformist legislation (not constitutionally)- Black voting rights were undermined and economic porspect of black agricultural laborers limited by greater ties to landowners
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What did Hayes do after the compromise?
One term presidency and tried to reform the civil service to root out patronage
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Who opposed Hayes?
Republicans, called Stalwarts, led by Roscoe Conkling
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Who were the two main factions of the Republican party?
Stalwarts (Roscoe Conkling) and 'Half Breeds' (James Blaine)
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Who emerged as another candidate?
James Garfield
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Who won the 1880 election?
James Garfield
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How much did Garfield win the popular vote by?
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Who succeeded Garfield after his assassination?
Vice president, Chester Arthur
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Who became president in 1884?
Grover Cleveland (Democrat)
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How did Cleveland win?
Support from immigrants and southerners as he promised to keep tariffs low. Also he promised to tackle corruption and end the 'spoils system'
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Who won the 1888 election?
Benjamin Harrison
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What did his campaign focus on?
High tariffs
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What was the key factor in his win?
Support from the Grand Army of the Republic- organisation to represent the veterans of the Northern armies in the civil war
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What were Grant's scandals?
The Whiskey Ring, the Tweed Ring and Black Friday
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What was the Sherman Antitrust act 1890?
A law to ensure fair competition- federal powers were used to limit monopoly powers
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who was the Democrat candidate in the 1876 election?
Samuel Tilden
Card 3
Who won the overall popular vote?
Card 4
How did the Republicans manage to declare Hayes the winner?
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