"I am your teacher. Whatever I do in this room is a token of my trust. I am in your hands. It is a pact. Bread eaten in secret. ‘I have put before your life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live’
Hector, Act 1
1 of 30
"Mr. Hector’s stuff’s not meant for the exam, sir. It’s to make us more rounded human beings."
Timms, Act 1
2 of 30
"I count examinations even for Oxford and Cambridge as the enemy of education. Which is not to say that I don’t regard education as the enemy of education, too."
Hector, Act 1
3 of 30
"All the effort went into getting there and then I had nothing left. I thought I’d got somewhere, then I found I had to go on."
Posner, Act 2
4 of 30
"All the effort went into getting there and then I had nothing left. I thought I’d got somewhere, then I found I had to go on."
The Headmaster, Act 2
5 of 30
'Pardox works well and mists up the windows'
Irwin, Act 1 (Deception and Morality)
6 of 30
'The new man seems clever' ... 'He does. Depressingly so.'
Hector and Mrs Lintott, Act 1 (Education)
7 of 30
'There's no better way of forgetting something than commerating'
Irwin, Act 1 (History)
8 of 30
'fourteen foreskins of Christ'
Irwin, Act 1 (Education)
9 of 30
'The First World War was a mistake, not a tragedy'
Iwrin, Act 1 (Morality and History)
10 of 30
'Truth is no more an issue in an examination than thirst at a wine tasting'
Irwin, Act 1 (Morality and Education)
11 of 30
'Why does [hector] lock the door?' ALSO 'What goes on in Mr Hector's lessons?'
Irwin, Act 1 (Morality and loyality - Boys evade question)
12 of 30
'Not useful sir, not like your lessons'
Posner, Act 1 (Loyality)
13 of 30
'It's just the boys seem to know more than they're telling'
Irwin to Hector, Act 1(Loyalty)
14 of 30
'Disability brings with it an assumption of sincerity.'
Irwin, Act 2 (Deception)
15 of 30
'Not clever enough, not anything enough really.'
Irwin, Act 2 (???)
16 of 30
'I never got in, I was at Bristol'
Irwin, Act 2 (Deception)
17 of 30
'Trust Irwin to lean the opposite way to everyone else.'
Scripps, Act 2 (???)
18 of 30
'Hector is a man of studied excentricity'
Stage directions, Hector, Act 1 (Deception)
19 of 30
'He hits [Timms] on the head with an exercise book'
Stage directions, Hector, Act 1 (Education]
20 of 30
'Whatever I do in this room is a token of my trust. Is it a pact, bread eaten in secret.'
Hector, Act 1 (Loyality)
21 of 30
'Comment?'... 'Shellshocked'
Hector and irwin, Act 1 (Loyality and intimidation from Hector)
22 of 30
'fiddling' with a boy
Hector, Act 1 (Deception and Morality)
23 of 30
'His somewhat unexpected wife'
Mrs Lintott, Act 1 (Deception)
24 of 30
'No Dakin?'... 'With Irwin, Sir'
Hector and Posner, Act 1 (Loyality)
25 of 30
'I... I have something I have to... tell you'
Broken Hector shown through fragmented speech, Act 2
26 of 30
'What made me **** my life away in this god foresaken place?'
Hector, Act 2 (Education)
27 of 30
'Why can't you simply condemn the camps outright as unprecidental horrors?'
Hector, Act 2 (Morality and Education)
28 of 30
'Why can they not all just tell the truth?'
Hector, Act 2 (Morality and Education)
29 of 30
'It's time I went'
Hector, Act 2 (Metaphor for how Hector realises hes not what the boys want or need)
30 of 30
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Timms, Act 1
"Mr. Hector’s stuff’s not meant for the exam, sir. It’s to make us more rounded human beings."
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