The Judicary- Qualifications 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LawThe JudiciaryASOCR Created by: vicarinatutuCreated on: 10-10-15 13:48 Justices of the Supreme Court- Qualifications Hold high judicial office or have held superior court qualification for at least 15 years 1 of 7 Lords Justices of Appeal- Qualifications Existing High Court judge or at least seven years' qualification 2 of 7 High Court judges- Qualifications Barrister or Solicitor for seven years or Circuit Judge for two years 3 of 7 Circuit Judge- Qualifications Barrister of Solicitor for seven years, Recorder, District Judge or Tribunal Judge 4 of 7 Recorder- Qualifications Barrister or Solicitor for seven years 5 of 7 District Judge- Qualifications Barrister or Solicitor for five years or ILEX fellow (deputy District Judge first) 6 of 7 Act setting out qualifications Tribunals, Court and Enforcement Act 2007 7 of 7
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