The Legal Environment 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesLegal EnvironmentA2/A-levelNone Created by: Megan NCreated on: 23-10-16 19:28 Name the 2 categories of LAW in the UK labour market > those relatng to individual employees/ > those that are collective and apply to groups 1 of 19 Give some examples of INDIVIDUAL LABOUR LAWS working time regulations 1998/ national min. wage 1998/ employment equality regulations 2006/ equalities act 2010 2 of 19 Working Time Regulations Law 1998 - no longer than 48hrs per week and entitled to 4 weeks holiday per yr 3 of 19 National Min. Wage 1998 £6.50 per hr 4 of 19 Employment Equality Regulations 2006 cant discriminate on age - under age of 65 yrs 5 of 19 Equalities Act 2010 9 protected characteristics: age, gener, sex orientation, diability, marital status, pregnancy 6 of 19 When where Collective Labour Laws introduced? 1980 - Thatcher 7 of 19 What are COLLECTIVE LABOUR LAWS? group of laws - apply to the operation of industrial regulations and collective bargaining, activities of the trade unions 8 of 19 Give examples of Collective Labour Laws Employment Act 1980/ Trade Union Reform 1993/ employment relations act 1999 9 of 19 Employment Act 1980 employees no longer obliged to negotiate with unions 10 of 19 Employment Reations Act 1999 trade union membership of 50% + = can demand union recog 11 of 19 What is Unfair Dismissal? termination of a workers contract of employment without a legal reason ( if been in a job for more than a yr) 12 of 19 Reasons why employees might be dismissed FAIRLY? job no longer exists/ gross misconduct/ failing to carry out duties in a "satisfactory" manner/ substantial reason (end of a temp. contract) 13 of 19 Health and Safety Legislation 1974 to discourage dangerous practices by businesses and to protect the workforce 14 of 19 The govt has passed a seres of acts of Parliament designed to protect the environment. TWO ACTS ARE OF PARTICUALR IMPORTANCE: The environmental protection act 1991 and the environment act 1995 15 of 19 The environmental protection act 1991 requires businesses to minimise pollution 16 of 19 The environment act 1995 the act established the environment agency which co - ordinates and overseas environmental protection 17 of 19 EU & International Environmental Laws - areas include? climate change/ air, water and land pollution/ waste management/protection of nature and biodiversity/ noise pollution 18 of 19 How a business responds to a change in the law will depend on different factors, including? type of bus' and corp objectives/ nature of legal change 19 of 19
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