The traditional 'logical' problem of evil and suffering arises when?
we consider the co-existence of evil and suffering in this world with the belief in a God who is all-powerful and all-loving
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Omnipotence also includes what?
omniscience, since a God who can do anything but does not always know the best way to do it has to be less than all-powerful
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How many aspects does the problem have?
3 of 5
why is there evil in the world if there exists an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God who, by very definition, would desire and have the power to eliminate evil and suffering? since evil and suffering do exist there is a logical inconsistency
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Card 2
Omnipotence also includes what?
omniscience, since a God who can do anything but does not always know the best way to do it has to be less than all-powerful
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