The Media and the Free Press 0.0 / 5 ? Citizenship StudiesCitizenshipGCSEAQA Created by: NobisCreated on: 20-01-19 14:39 Define what E-Media is All forms of media related to the internet. 1 of 7 Define what Mass Media is The means of communicating to a large number of people at the same time. This can be through television, the newspapers or the internet 2 of 7 Define what an MP is A citizen elected to Parliament who serves as a Member of Parliament. Normally as a member of a political party. 3 of 7 Define what New Media is A non-traditional form of media 4 of 7 Define what OFCOM is The office of communications. A government regulator for elements of the media industry 5 of 7 Define what Social Media is The ways in which people interact with each other over the internet. For example Twitter and Facebook 6 of 7 Define what Traditional Media is Newsprint, radio television, cinema. 7 of 7
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