Edward Wagenlinect- Januarie's blindness is the physical counterpart
of ignorance of marriage
1 of 15
Stephanie Tolliver - Januarie's inability to analyse May's
deceit is essentially her refusal to accept it
2 of 15
Dr Ash Isiarri -what kind of approach does she adopt to May's deciet?
Sympathetic view of May - represents the view of a modern day reader who sympathies with the marriage May is trapped in
3 of 15
Elaine Hanson- May is devised out of Januarie's
thoughts, just as Eve out of Adams
4 of 15
Steven -Thee is a May that the reader is never allowed to fully know
she is May the victim, the unhappy and dissatisfied wife
5 of 15
Beidler- Most upsetting feature of The Merchant's Tale is
Januarie's failure at the end to recognise his faults
6 of 15
Paul Olston- Januarie not only sees May as a treasure
but a paradise
7 of 15
Stepahine Tolliver - The Merchant in his disillusionment does not advocate romantic sentiment
Instead he makes it his sole purpose to reduce it and plans to do so by telling a tale that will portray all wives as deceitful
8 of 15
Beidler- Januarie's folly is that he sees
what he wants to see, rather than what is actually before him
9 of 15
Stephanie Tolliver - The merchants misogyny is a
product of his marital disillusionment
10 of 15
What does the 'Great Chain of Being's' exemplify?
hierarchy of all beings, which people in medieval times believed in. At the top was God, followed by Angels, followed by Man. Woman came after Man and the difference was that women were believed to have movement, life, existence but not reason, which
11 of 15
Burnley - Damian’s haste emphasises
the falsity of his pretensions as a lover
12 of 15
Brown - the garden is a representation of May’s
body since it fulfils January’s desires
13 of 15
Dryden - Chaucer is described as the 'father of....
english poetry
14 of 15
Stephanie Tolliver - May is money because she can be bought
January's perception of May in the market-place persuaded him to buy her; now that she's his property, he can physically control her when she is in sight
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Stephanie Tolliver - Januarie's inability to analyse May's
deceit is essentially her refusal to accept it
Card 3
Dr Ash Isiarri -what kind of approach does she adopt to May's deciet?
Card 4
Elaine Hanson- May is devised out of Januarie's
Card 5
Steven -Thee is a May that the reader is never allowed to fully know
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