The Methone Decree and the 'Periclean' building programme

  • Created by: emilk124
  • Created on: 01-05-17 14:13
'The people of Methone need pay nothing [unless] a separate decree is passed about the people of Methone'
Methone Decree, shows Methone being treated differently from other poleis in the empire
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'Say to Perdikkas that [fairness] dictates that the people of Methone be allowed to use the sea and their movements not be limited, and allow them to import goods to the land [just as] before, and neither doing [nor suffering injury]'
Methone Decree, shows Methone had a good relationship with Athens for them to show the king of Macedonia that Methone is under her protection and to state this things
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'Methone should pay the goddess's share of the tribute'
Methone Decree, Methone only had to pay 1/60 of the tribute
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'brought the money that belonged to all Greeks alike from Delos to itself'
Pultarch's Pericles, show the moving of the treasury to Athens in 454 BC
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'fear of the Persians'
Pultarch's Pericles, the reason why Athens moved the treasury in 454 BC
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'openly acting as tyrants'
Pultarch's Pericles, what the allies though of Athens moving the treasury
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'decking out the city like a loose woman'
Pultarch's Percles, show that Athens was going all out in the building project
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'they did not owe their allies an account of the moneys, since they fought on their behalf'
Pultarch's Pericles, why Athens though they did not have to share the money
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'when complete, it would gain eternal fame'
Pultarch's Pericles, Pericles wanted Athens to be a beacon as to what a polis should be
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Card 2


Methone Decree, shows Methone had a good relationship with Athens for them to show the king of Macedonia that Methone is under her protection and to state this things


'Say to Perdikkas that [fairness] dictates that the people of Methone be allowed to use the sea and their movements not be limited, and allow them to import goods to the land [just as] before, and neither doing [nor suffering injury]'

Card 3


Methone Decree, Methone only had to pay 1/60 of the tribute


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Card 4


Pultarch's Pericles, show the moving of the treasury to Athens in 454 BC


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Card 5


Pultarch's Pericles, the reason why Athens moved the treasury in 454 BC


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