God exists above time and sees everything that has happened and will happen.
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God exists within time, without a beginning or end.
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God exists outside of time
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God is all knowing
6 of 21
God is all powerful
7 of 21
Simple necessity
When we say that all humans are necessarily moral, meaning it is a part of our nature
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Conditional necessity
when things exist necessarily in a certain way but are NOT part of nature, eg. God sees things in an eternal present, meaning it exists necessarily in that way but it isnt part of His nature.
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limited by time
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we try to clarify what we mean by God's sense of omnipotence- this classification suggests a sense of semi-omnipotence which contradicts itself as we are no longer saying that God is wholly Omnipotent.
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inconsistent triad
if God is omnibenevolent,omniscient and omnipotent then why does evil exist. There is an inconsistenct between God's nature and the problem of evil.
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hard determinism
If all acts can be traced back to the casual chain, saying we are not free to make our own decisions, meaning it is incoherent for God to reward and punish.
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Isaiah 42
"Now i will tell you new things even before they're meant to happen"
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Genesis 18
"God gave Abraham and Sarah a baby despite them being unable to conceive a child
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paradox of the stone
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Luke 13
"mother hen"
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Euthyphro dilemma
is something good because God commands it, or does God command it because it is good?
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the idea that God has decided who will be saved and who will not
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process theology
God is changing and so is the universe. Therefore, our knowledge of God must be progressing as we learn more about Him, and it can never rest in any absolutes.
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Righteous indignation
angry for good reason
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
God is all loving
Card 3
God exists above time and sees everything that has happened and will happen.
Card 4
God exists within time, without a beginning or end.
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