The Nazis - 4th Year History

  • Created by: MaxR1
  • Created on: 09-05-18 19:58
What were the impacts of Nazi policy on women?
1 of 13
What were the impacts of Nazi policy on young people?
2 of 13
What were the impacts of Nazi policy on Jews?
3 of 13
What were the impacts of Nazi policy on Workers/The Unemployment?
4 of 13
Give 3 examples of Nazi Censorship
Censorship of newspapers, radio, cinema and the theatre was enforced. Only books which agreed with the Nazi point of view were allowed. All other books were banned and many were publically burned from May, 1933.
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Give 3 examples of Nazi Propaganda
The media/arts, Nuremberg Rallies and Berlin Olympics
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Explain the role of informers in the creation of the police state
The concept of informers created a terror-state whereby those living in Germany were too scared to disobey Nazi laws, as others could report them.
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Explain the role of The Gestapo in the creation of the police state
They had powers to arrest and detain those people who were considered enemies of the state/Nazi Party. These people were often violently questioned before being released or imprisoned.
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Explain the role of The ** in the creation of the police state
The ** were put in charge of protecting Germany from internal and external enemies. The ** also controlled the concentration camps where ‘undesirable people’ were imprisoned. The first concentration camp was established in Dachau in 1933.
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Explain the role of Concentration Camps in the creation of the police state
Prisoners were made to work in horrendous conditions. Stories of what prisoners experienced increased fear among the German population.
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Explain the role of The legal system in the creation of the police state
The legal system made it very difficult for anybody to get out of prosecution from breaking Nazi laws
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How far did the Nazis succeed in bringing the catholic church under its control?
The Catholic Youth League was broken up, Catholic priests were arrested and religious teaching was banned.
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How far did the Nazis succeed in bringing the Protestant church under its control?
A Protestant Reich Church, with Nazi bishops, was established. Non-Nazi Catholic priests and Protestant pastors such as Martin Niemöller and Dietrich Bonhöffer were sent to concentration camps.
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Card 2


What were the impacts of Nazi policy on young people?



Card 3


What were the impacts of Nazi policy on Jews?


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Card 4


What were the impacts of Nazi policy on Workers/The Unemployment?


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Card 5


Give 3 examples of Nazi Censorship


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