What is the first stage of the behavioural learning theory?
The child observes the behaviour of another person such as an older sibling or parent
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What is the second stage of the behavioural learning theory?
The child 'internalises' the action by remembering what they have observed
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What is the third stage of the behavioural learning theory?
Although they will not copy straight away, the child will repeat the behaviour when the opportunity occurs
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What is the fourth stage of the behavioural learning theory?
Depending on the outcome (positive/negative reinforcement) children will either repeat or desist the behaviour
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What did Bandura suggest?
That children learn behaviour through observation and imitation
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What does this link to?
The importance of modelling appropriate behaviours around children
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What is Diathesis?
A predisposition or vulnerability to a mental disorder through an abnormality of the brain or neurotransmitters
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What does this model help to explain?
How stress caused by life events (nurture) can interact with an individual's genetic vulnerability (nature) to impact on their mental wellbeing
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What are some individual's born with?
Certain biological or genetic predispositions to mental illness, referred to as diathesis
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A person who has a genetic predisposition to a psychological disorder might never develop the disorder if they do not experience what?
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What are some examples of stress?
Family conflict, abuse, trauma or problems at school
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What could these high levels of stress trigger?
The onset for those with a predisposition
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Evaluation 1
They do not provide answers as to whether development throughout lifespan is down to nurture or nature
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Evaluation 2
More useful to say that hereditary and environmental factors (nature and nurture) interact to influence the type of person an individual becomes and the type of behaviour they display
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the second stage of the behavioural learning theory?
The child 'internalises' the action by remembering what they have observed
Card 3
What is the third stage of the behavioural learning theory?
Card 4
What is the fourth stage of the behavioural learning theory?
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