The Parallel Rise of Religion & Social Darwinism 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryEurope and the AmericasUniversityNone Created by: Aoise HaranCreated on: 30-04-18 09:40 Under the process of secularisation what was the sceptical mentality expressed in public? People were questioning views on life and death 1 of 11 In Social Darwinism, what was believed about the physical and mental development of humans? Physical attributes of humans evolved through natural selection as did their mentality 2 of 11 What were the 2 main features of the second confessional era? Revamping of the institution and persistence of popular religious intensity/passion 3 of 11 How was Religion governed under Napoleon's rule? Under control of the state 4 of 11 Were Protestants or Catholics politically stronger in Europe? Protestants 5 of 11 Where did Catholicism remain the sole religion? Latin America 6 of 11 During the Revolutions of 1848 the church was used as a source of........ ........... rather than the government moral order 7 of 11 During these revolutions, the Catholic Church lost support among who? Urban and middle class 8 of 11 What is Kulturkamf? Power struggle between German imperial government and the Catholic Church 9 of 11 When did Kulturkamf begin? 1872 10 of 11 How did religion effect women? Gave them a place in the public sphere and more power at home 11 of 11
Roads to Modernity- The Making of 'THe American Century': The United States 1865-1941 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
How important were economic factors in the rise of fascist movements in inter-war Europe? Romania (views of Thompson) 0.0 / 5
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