The Psychodynamic Approach - Trigger/Key words + Notes

Look at the trigger/key word on the front of the card and try to think of some knowledge or evaluation from the textbook that matches up.

The unconscious mind is the part of the 'iceburg' underneath the 'water' (the largest part that we are not aware of).
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It is a 'storehouse' of biological drives and instincts that influence our behaviour and personality.
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It also contains any disturbing memories that have been locked away or repressed.
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Reality principle
Ego - the 'reality check' that balances the conflicting demands of the Id and Superego.
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Pleasure principle
Id - entirely unconscious, the id is made up of selfish and aggressive instincts that demand immediate gratification.
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Morality principle
Superego - the moralistic part of our personality which represents the ideal self: how we ought to be.
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Incestuous, Repressed, Roles and Values
Incestous feelings for mother in the phallic stage. Feelings repressed in fear of father. Identify with father and take on his roles and values.
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Penis envy & Maternal
Girls have penis envy. Desire father and hate mother. They give up this desire with the desire for a baby (identify with mother).
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Hans - 5 year old with a fear of horses. Freud suggested that this stemmed from the fear of his father being transferred onto horses.
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Not representative
Freud's theory was based on the intensive study of individuals. Because of this, his findings are not representative as they are only based on a small number of people.
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His findings were also subjective and any other researcher would've most likely drawn different conclusions.
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Oral (Age 0-1) - Pleasure is focused on the mouth (breast is the object of desire). Unresolved conflict can lead to biting nails, smoking or being sarcastic and critical.
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Anus, Perfectionist, Thoughtless
Anal (1-3) - Focus of pleasure is the anus. Anal retentive - perfectionist, obsessive. Anal expulsive - thoughtless, messy.
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Genitals & Phallic personality
Phallic (3-5) - Focus of pleasure is the genital area. Unresolved conflict can lead to phallic personality (narcissistic, reckless, possibly homosexual).
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Latency - earlier conflicts are repressed.
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Conscious, Heterosexual relationships
Genital - sexual desired become conscious with the onset of puberty. Unresolved conflict can led the difficulty forming heterosexual relationships.
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Defence mechanisms are used to keep the ego, id and superego in balance during trauma.
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Repression - forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind.
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Regression - going back to a place in the mind before trauma happened.
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Denial - refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality.
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Karl Popper & Falsification
Karl Popper argued that the Psychodynamic approach doesn't meet the scientific criteria of falsification (proving the truth of a research hypothesis by demonstrating that it cannot be false).
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Untestable & Unconscious
Many of Freud's concepts (such as the id and Oedipus complex) are said to occur at an unconscious level which makes them difficult, if not impossible, to test.
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This, according to Popper, gives the psychodynamic approach the status of pseudo-science ('fake' science).
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Large effect
Freud's theory (although seen as bizarre and controversial) has had a huge effect of Psychology as well as western contemporary thought.
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Dominant & Phenomena
Behaviourism and psychodynamic remained dominant for the first half of the 20th century. They have been used to explain a wide range of phenomena like personality development.
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The approach is also significant in drawing attention between experiences in childhood and later development.
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Psychoanalysis & Access
Freud brought a new form of therapy: psychoanalysis. It employs techniques designed to access the unconscious mind like hypnosis and dream analysis.
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Mild neurosis
Successful with mild neurosis. Not appropriate for more serious mental disorders.
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Freud believed that, in relation to behaviour, nothing is an accident. All behaviour is driven by unconscious forces that have a symbolic meaning.
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Conflicts & Childhood
The psychodynamic approach explains all behaviours - even accidents - as determined by unconscious conflicts rooted in childhood.
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Free Will & Illusion
This means that any free will we think we have is an illusion.
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Card 2


It is a 'storehouse' of biological drives and instincts that influence our behaviour and personality.



Card 3


It also contains any disturbing memories that have been locked away or repressed.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Ego - the 'reality check' that balances the conflicting demands of the Id and Superego.


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Card 5


Id - entirely unconscious, the id is made up of selfish and aggressive instincts that demand immediate gratification.


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