The Road to Independence: India, 1914-48 1.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? HistoryThe Road to Independence: India, 1914-48A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: RhiannonHarradineCreated on: 07-04-17 13:12 1910-16 (viceroy) Lord Hardinge 1 of 34 1914 Outbreak of WW1 2 of 34 1916-21 (viceroy) Lord Chelmsford 3 of 34 1916 Lucknow Pact; Home Rule Leagues 4 of 34 1917 Montagu Declaration 5 of 34 1918 End of WW1; Montagu-Chelmsford Report 6 of 34 1919 Rowlatt Acts; Amritsar Massacre; Government of India Act; Khilafat Movement 7 of 34 1920-22 Gandhi's civil disobedience campaign 8 of 34 1920 Gandhi becomes leader of Congress; Tabligh & Tanzeem movements begin 9 of 34 1921-26 (viceroy) Lord Reading 10 of 34 1922 Gandhi imprisoned 11 of 34 1923 Khilafat Movement collapses 12 of 34 1924 Gandhi released from prison 13 of 34 1926-31 (viceroy) Lord Irwin 14 of 34 1927 Congress rejects ML's proposals for protection of Muslim interests 15 of 34 1928 Simon Commission; Nehru Report; Young Hooligans 16 of 34 1929 Irwin Declaration; Lahore Congress 17 of 34 1930 Salt March; 1st Round Table Conference 18 of 34 1931-36 (viceroy) Lord Willingdon 19 of 34 1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact; 2nd Round Table Conference 20 of 34 1932 Gandhi arrested & Congress outlawed; 3rd Round Table Conference; Communal Award; Poona Pact 21 of 34 1935 Government of India Act 22 of 34 1936-43 (viceroy) Lord Linlithgow 23 of 34 1937 Provincial elections 24 of 34 1938 Bose becomes President of Congress; talks between Congress & ML collapse; Bose leaves Congress & forms the Forward Bloc 25 of 34 1939 WW2 breaks out; Congress resigns from provincial assemblies: ML "Day of Deliverance" 26 of 34 1940 Congress demands independence; Lahore Resolution; August Offer 27 of 34 1942 Cripps Mission; Quit India campaign 28 of 34 1943-47 (viceroy) Lord Wavell 29 of 34 1943-44 The Bengal Famine 30 of 34 1945 End of WW2; Simla Conference 31 of 34 1946 Cabinet Mission; Indian General Election - Nehru becomes PM; 2nd Simla Conference; Direct Action day 32 of 34 1947-48 (viceroy) Lord Mountbatten 33 of 34 1947 Partition 34 of 34
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