Strove for tactics of nonviolence, peaceful protests, and civil disobedience which were inspired by Gandhi who also used peaceful tactics.
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King's beliefs and thoughts
Civil disobedience was important to increase their civil rights and if they believed that the law was wrong, they had the right to protest against it
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Possible consequences
He was not worried about the arrests that might occur because of this, but otherwise, saw it as an opportunity for publicity.
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The March on Washington
The march was organized to try to force the government to improve Civil Rights. This was a way to gain publicity for a new bill for their rights. On August 28th, 1963, thousands of people gathered to listen to King's speech "I have a dream".
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Card 2
Civil disobedience was important to increase their civil rights and if they believed that the law was wrong, they had the right to protest against it
King's beliefs and thoughts
Card 3
He was not worried about the arrests that might occur because of this, but otherwise, saw it as an opportunity for publicity.
Card 4
The march was organized to try to force the government to improve Civil Rights. This was a way to gain publicity for a new bill for their rights. On August 28th, 1963, thousands of people gathered to listen to King's speech "I have a dream".
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