To investigate if having a pet affected self esteem in children.
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Procedure 1
130 students 8-13 yrs old split into two groups pet owners and non pet owners. their family background was taken into account.
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Procedure 2
They were asked questions to measure things such as autonomy, self concept, self esteem and attachment to animals
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Self esteem and autonomy was high in pet owners. Pets were found to have positive influence in self concept of 11 yr olds.
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Pets have their greatest impact on children s lives as they move up adolescences. The implications is that the pet can offer unconditional positive regard to there owners.
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Self reporting questionnaire not truly accurate. Quantitative data collected simply but could have complex emotional attachments. Unrepresentative sample. Cultural bias all american. Age bias only 8-13 yrs old.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
130 students 8-13 yrs old split into two groups pet owners and non pet owners. their family background was taken into account.
Procedure 1
Card 3
They were asked questions to measure things such as autonomy, self concept, self esteem and attachment to animals
Card 4
Self esteem and autonomy was high in pet owners. Pets were found to have positive influence in self concept of 11 yr olds.
Card 5
Pets have their greatest impact on children s lives as they move up adolescences. The implications is that the pet can offer unconditional positive regard to there owners.