The sense 0.0 / 5 ? OtherAnatomyParamedic ScienceSensesUniversityNone Created by: LouisaCreated on: 19-02-20 18:39 Sensory response to stimuli 1 of 12 somatosensory system responds to ehat touch, temp., proprioception, pain 2 of 12 free nerve endings respond to pain, itch and tmep 3 of 12 ruffini endings respond to touch and rpessure 4 of 12 merkels discs respond to touch touch 5 of 12 meissners corpuscle respond to sensitive touch 6 of 12 what is myopic eyeball is too long, focal point is too forward, so we need a concave lense 7 of 12 what is hyperopic eyeball is too short, focal point is too far back and we need a convex lense 8 of 12 when can we use smell for diagnosis UTI or diabetic 9 of 12 What would a stoke pt say they could possible smell burnt toast 10 of 12 what would a siezure pt say they couldmpossible smell strawberries is common 11 of 12 what 5 thing can we taste sweet, sour, salty, btter and umami 12 of 12
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