The Tempest 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureThe TempestA2/A-levelOCR Created by: K4typCreated on: 07-02-17 13:40 When was the Tempest first performed 1st November 1611 1 of 23 Who wrote the Tempest William Shakespeare 2 of 23 What is the tempest believed to be? The last play he wrote 3 of 23 What is it the Tempest classified as? Tragicomedy 4 of 23 Who is Propspero? Miranda 's father and previous Duke of Milan 5 of 23 Who is Ferdinand? Prince of Naples and Alonzo's son 6 of 23 Who is Alonzo? King of Napels 7 of 23 Who is Sebastian The brother of Alonzo 8 of 23 Who is Caliban? A native of the island and the child of Sycroax 9 of 23 Who is Sycroax? A witch from Algiers 10 of 23 Who is antonio? Prospero's younger brother 11 of 23 Who is Trinculo? Alonso's Jester 12 of 23 Who is Stefano? Alonso's drunken butler. 13 of 23 Who is Ariel? A spirit which follows Prospero's commands 14 of 23 Who is Gonzalo? The advisor of Alonso 15 of 23 Who is Botswain? The man in charge of running the ship in the storm 16 of 23 Who is Miranda ? The daughter of Prospero 17 of 23 Who is Juno? Juno is queen of the gods 18 of 23 Who is Ceres? Ceres presides over agriculture 19 of 23 Who is Iris ? Iris is goddess of the rainbow 20 of 23 Who are Adrian and Francisco ? Noblemen, and companions of Alonso 21 of 23 Mariners Say that all is lost 22 of 23 The Master Master of the Ship 23 of 23
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